June 22, 2014

Two Quick Trips This Round

Checked out a park; first time there.  Was hoping for some nice finds. Came away with two Dimes and a Penny.  Went down the road to another park; found two more dimes and five more pennies!

Today's Finds:

  • 3 Dimes
  • 6 Pennies

June 9, 2014

Quick Trip After the Rain Storm

Rained yesterday and today, then it cleared up.  Went for a quick trip to a school yard; found clad coins and a ring.  Not a gold or silver one but still good to get a ring!

Today's Finds:
  • 1 Quarter
  • 2 Dimes
  • 3 Nickels
  • 6 Pennies
  • Ring

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