January 27, 2011

Evening Coinshoot Gets Clad Coins and a Lighter!

Got off work late today, but went ahead and did some coinshooting.  No flashlight but did have the cell phone ready to use as one if needed.  Found clad coins and a lighter.  Lighter was not a Zippo.... still works though!  Gotta love this hobby; you never know what you will find!

Today's finds:
  • 6 Quarters
  • 4 Dimes
  • 1 Nickle
  • 6 Pennies
  • A "Zipppo-Like" Lighter
Evening Coinshoot Gets Clad Coins and a Lighter!

January 26, 2011

A Hotwheels Taxi, Metal Ring, and $1 in Clad Coins....

Made it out again this evening for more coinshooting.  Had enough light to dig up a Hotwheels Taxi, a metal ring, and a dollars worth in clad coins at a local playground!

Today's finds:
  • 2 Quarters
  • 4 Dimes
  • 10 Pennies
  • Metal Ring and Hotwheels Taxi
A Hotwheels Taxi, Metal Ring, and $1 in Clad Coins....

January 25, 2011

Coinshoot Before Sunset Yields a Few More Coins!

Was able to get a coinshoot in before dark.  Cold temps and no gloves made it uncomfortable.  Still was good to find a few more clad coins than our the last trip!  Thought the playground would yield more coins as it is in a high trafic area.... Was correct.

Today's finds:
  • 5 Quarters
  • 4 Dimes
  • 2 Nickels
  • 8 Pennies
  • And, a "Carabiner Clip"

Coinshoot Before Sunset Yields a Few More Coins!

January 23, 2011

Slim Pickings...!

Made it out this afternoon to do a little coinshooting.  Cold temps but at least the sun was out.  Tough go though,....  Seems like the Winter weather is keeping people indoors, so the playgrounds and parks are not producing like they do in the warmer months.

Today's finds:
  • 1 Quarter
  • 1 Nickel
  • 5 Pennies

Slim Pickings...!

January 19, 2011

Slow Start.... Managed Some Coins and a Key!

Was a slow start, even had trouble deciding to go coinshooting.  Cold temps, almost dark, and any other excuse not to go made it tough.... but did make it out there!  At least before the next cold front arrived.  Searched a playground down the road from the house, found a Penny, then nothing for awhile.  Then, started to get a few hits.  Managed to find some clad coins and a key.

Today's finds:
  • 4 Quarters
  • 1 Dime
  • 7 Pennies
  • A Key

Slow Start.... Managed Some Coins and a Key!

January 14, 2011

Tough Start For 2011 - Tokens!

A tough start in 2011 so far.  Cold, wet, then snow.... Did make it out finally.  Interesting results though.  Found tokens:
  • 1 Baseball Token
  • 1 Chuckie Cheese Token
  • 2 Cici's Pizza Token

Tough Start For 2011 - Tokens!

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